Growing 'n Musing
Growing 'n Musing Podcast
Agree or Disagree: Asking the Right Questions Help Us Live More Meaningfully.

Agree or Disagree: Asking the Right Questions Help Us Live More Meaningfully.

Revisiting Tuesdays With Morrie with a special guest

In Today’s Episode

Today, we talk through some gems in Tuesdays With Morrie, a book centered on the meaning of life. Reading this book reminds me how valuable it is to ask questions of ourselves as much as others.

There is a lot to learn and become, and sometimes it feels like there is not enough time for all of it.

When things start to feel this way, it’s good to have some core questions to ground us, the kind of questions Morrie liked to ask.

What are you going to give? Who are you going to give it to?

Do you like how your life feels? When you look back, will you like what you see?


Today’s Affirmation

“Love is the only rational act of a lifetime.” ✨

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few things are better than the sound of a palm tree

Today’s Poem

The Power of One by Ashish Ram

One song can spark a moment

One flower can wake the dream

One tree can start a forest

One bird can herald spring

One smile begins a friendship

One handclasp lifts a soul

One star can guide a ship at sea

One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation

One sunbeam lights a room

One candle wipes out darkness

One laugh will conquer gloom

One step must start each journey

One word must start each prayer

One hope will raise our spirits

One touch can show you care

One voice can speak with wisdom

One heart can know what’s true

One life can make the difference

You see, it’s up to you!!

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p.s. Let’s revisit the first poem shared on Growing ‘n Musing called Eulogy, an original poem. Considering today’s conversation on the meaning of life and asking the right questions, I want to challenge you to write your Eulogy as an intention and value-setting exercise.

Growing 'n Musing
Growing 'n Musing Podcast
...where poetry and mindfulness intersect into an Olympian's approach to health and wellness.